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Spanish architect Fran Silvestre

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Influenced by his Mediterranean upbringing and the work of sculptor Andreu Alfaro, architect Fran Silvestre has developed a rich collection of impressive work. What has shaped your design principles and philosophies? The general concept of our architecture arises from a compromise between will and desire. Each house, each project, is materialized depending on the identity of each client. It is because of this that our approach towards the project arises from a double compromise: the will of giving technical answers to a particular context (program, budget, law, surroundings…) and the desire to seek for beauty within the built piece. This process looks for satisfaction in its wider sense, meaning the satisfaction of all those that actively participate in the development. This is specially clients and users, but also collaborators, builders and designers. Mediterranean roots and multiple influences coming from other disciplines, such as Andreu Alfaro’s sculpture. Now that computer generated visualizations are so commonplace, is there still a place for physical model making or sketching designs by hand? We like to think with our hands. All projects in our studio start with a model and several drawings. We attempt to approach each project from several starting points. We first generate a dialogue among the members of the studio and later with the owners. Source: designboom

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