Work from home? Benefits and Pitfalls
<em><strong>Authored by Ashish Goenka, Director, Redbrick Offices</strong></em> We have all tried ‘work from home’ (WFH) at some point in our lives. In fact, many of us (like my wife) work fulltime from home, and have done so successfully for years. The biggest benefit of WFH is obviously freedom
Published -
Apr 28, 2020 7:30 AM
Authored by Ashish Goenka, Director, Redbrick Offices
We have all tried ‘work from home’ (WFH) at some point in our lives. In fact, many of us (like my wife) work fulltime from home, and have done so successfully for years. The biggest benefit of WFH is obviously freedom from the commute, and possibly a better work-life balance. WFH is especially useful for new parents, or those unable to travel due to circumstances. Remote working, or WFH is increasingly becoming more acceptable, and in times of COVID-19, inevitable. But, does work from home actually work? It really depends a lot on the nature of one’s work. Let’s dig a little deeper into the pitfalls of WFH to find out.
The list of pitfalls is long, but most of them are challenges that can be managed with a little planning and following some best practice advice for WFH people. These are the suggestions of ‘good practices’ while working from home.
When things return to normal, several of us will choose to (or have to) continue to work remotely, maybe not all of the time, but more than we did previously. Coworking spaces like Redbrick Offices also help to cater to some of the problems with working from home, and if you can find one near your home - well, it’s the best of both worlds.
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Tags : EXPERT ZONE technology COWORKING #stayhome #staysafe environment Redbrick Offices Health/ Wellness Communication Work from home