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Harsh Madhusudan @harshmadhusudan Uttar Pradesh’s first data centre park being set up in Greater Noida http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/88441586.cms… To be ready by around mid-2022. ~$1B investment. '30k server racks and 200MW of power..'   Kaushik Basu @kaushikcbasu World Bank's just-released Global Economic Prospects shows (p4. of link) annual GDP growth for 2020-3 is: Bangladesh 4.9%, India 3.0%. COVID is hard for all but India has so much talent; this is sad. We mustn't live in data denial. Need to correct policy. https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/bitstream/handle/10986/36519/9781464817601.pdf   Sravan Reddy @sravaneleti Hyderabad attracts Rs 5,120 cr institutional investments in realty in 2021. #Hyderabad is 2nd highest city in #India in attracting the investments of institutional real estate investments worth of $687 million @KTRTRS   Smart City Nagpur @nagpur_nsscdcl NSSCDCL is glad to inform #nagpurkars that city has been selected under street for people #S4P challenge in the list of top 11 cities . We successfully tested #sitaburdimarket to make it pedestrian friendly.   Hardeep Singh Puri @HardeepSPuri Heartiest Congratulations to Rourkela for being the only Indian city among top-15 global finalists in Bloomberg-2021 Global Mayors Challenge. City developed a sustainable model to augment the income of women, small traders & farmers while promoting the use of technology.

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