

This Akshaya Tritiya realise your dreams, own your home

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Traditionally, in our country, festivals and auspicious days are always preferred for making important investment decisions, be it home or gold. Akshaya Tritiya is one such day that is most awaited. While it is celebrated across country but in South of India one can feel the spirit of the day. The day is dominated by gold purchases and one can easily spot a long queue outside marquee jewellers of the city. Investments in earlier days were restricted or pre dominantly done by way of purchasing gold as bars or jewellery but today investing in property has become another important avenue as well. It is believed that the constellation is in such a position on this day that whatever investment one makes is bound to appreciate and only give handsome returns and bring prosperity to the household. Home-buying is one very important milestone of everyone’s life and no one wants to take any chances with it. Currently the scenario is such that many home-seekers are sitting on the fence waiting for the opportune time. The truth is for end-user, opportune time in always now. End-user never looks at short term gains from the investments and is a long term player. Their requirements and needs are very different from an investor who is only planning on encashing quick bucks and exit. It is time for home-buyers to take decision and sit on one side of the fence. Indecisiveness never allows one to reap benefits. Real estate is one stable and safe investment that will definitely give good appreciation and returns in a long term. Time is ripe; developers are having projects across different stages from just launched to under construction to ready-to-move in options. In addition, the business for a developer done on this auspicious day is also fruitful for their year-round success and growth, hence they also roll out offers and leave no stone unturned for making the auspicious day, a memorable day for every homeseeker. Financial institutions are also not lagging far behind and offering attractive interest rates for home loans. With the advent of e-commerce, one can witness home-buying festivals being organised by leading portals as well. Thus the stage is set and all one has to do is make a decision and take the first step towards unlocking their dream home on the auspicious day of Akshaya Tritiya and bring prosperity for their family and themselves.

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