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Hyderabad Now @1stHyderabad #Hyderabad surpasses pre-Covid residential sales, new launches in Q1 2021      Red Ribbon Asset Management Plc @RRAMPlc Modular Construction has the potential to significantly impact on the future. #modularconstruction  #construction #modularbuildings     Urban Green Council @UrbanGreen President Biden’s ambitious GHG target to cut carbon 50% by 2030 is a major call to action. Transitioning to efficient, electrified buildings powered by a clean electricity grid will spur green jobs and a green recovery!      Housing For All  @PMAYUrban A total Investment of ? 7.35 Lakh Crore has been done in the construction sector through various projects of the PMAY(U) Mission.     Ministry of Steel @SteelMinIndia Steel sector companies doing their best to supplement Medical Oxygen supply in the country.  

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