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#RealtyHyd1 @RealtyHyd1 Hyderabad, being one of the important employment hubs of India, there has been a vast influx of professionals which has created increasing demand for houses and inflation in their prices. #realestate #invest #Hyderabad CommercialRE @TheCommercialRE #Amazon unveils 'Helix' tower for new $2.5B headquarters in in Arlington, Virginia. #officespace Coworking Insights @coworkinsights A recent report by @CushWake has ranked Tokyo as the most expensive office fit-out market in APAC, and Hong Kong as the most expensive city in Greater China. #flexoffice fit-out costs #coworking Rail Analysis India @RailAnalysis Rs. 1221.3 crores allocated for Kolkata Metro projects in Union Budget 2021-22 #kolkatametro #metro #budget2021 #infrastructure #transport Datainsights @Datainsights_in Over two decades the Internet added $13 trillion to equity market capitalizations globally. Deep learning has created $2 trillion in market capitalization as of 2020.