World Environment Day was celebrated on June 5th but Vaishnavi Group has decided to have the celebrations continue for the rest of the month to spread the good word on conserving the environment. As part of its outreach activities, Vaishnavi Group has tied up with Greenpeace, the internat
World Environment Day was celebrated on June 5th but Vaishnavi Group has decided to have the celebrations continue for the rest of the month to spread the good word on conserving the environment. As part of its outreach activities, Vaishnavi Group has tied up with Greenpeace, the international organization that works towards the cause of the environment for World Environment Month.
Greenpeace volunteers had set up booths at cafeterias at three of the Vaishnavi Group’s commercial buildings, to interact with the employees of various companies, during their lunch breaks. These counters were set up at Vaishnavi Serenity, Residency and Summit.
At these counters, Greenpeace volunteers shared pamphlets on the environment and ways to work towards its conservation, with employees. For those who would like it, volunteers also shared seeds and saplings that could be planted. This awareness drive was based on the theme of plastics, which is the international focus theme for the year.
A large number of employees spent time at the counters listening intently to the information shared, asking questions and picking up sets of seeds and saplings to plant. The awareness drive has been quite a success, with employees keen on having more such activities.