Three years on, rent yet to be paid for properties leased through RCA
Landlords, who had rented their property through Rent Control Authority, have not received rent for past three years, thanks to negligence of district administration in clearing their bills.
If an owner gives his property on rent through the authority then his tenant has to deposit rent amount in
Landlords, who had rented their property through Rent Control Authority, have not received rent for past three years, thanks to negligence of district administration in clearing their bills.
If an owner gives his property on rent through the authority then his tenant has to deposit rent amount in government’s treasury. The rent amount is further released from the treasury and to owner on providing bill against it.
For past three years, the authority hasn’t released rent to most of landlords citing closure of all bank accounts of the treasury by government and shifting of transactions to a "global bank account". In Indore, there are about 200 cases, wherein the authority has directed occupants to deposit rent in treasury. Presently, the process has been put on hold.
Demarcation of Indore tehsil into six parts is also posing as hurdle in disbursement of rent amount as accountant general office (Gwalior) is yet to appoint separate drawing & disbursing officer (DDO) for new tehsils. DDO, which is usually a tehsildar, disburses rent deposited by tenants to landlords after they furnish their bills and other required documents.