An ambitious act on tenancy, that was to bring about a seachange in renting out properties by balancing the rights of landlords and tenants, has hit a roadblock as the state government is awaiting the Centre’s revised act.
Modelled on the Union housing and urban affairs ministry’s draft Tenancy A
An ambitious act on tenancy, that was to bring about a seachange in renting out properties by balancing the rights of landlords and tenants, has hit a roadblock as the state government is awaiting the Centre’s revised act.
Modelled on the Union housing and urban affairs ministry’s draft Tenancy Act, the state government had introduced the Tamil Nadu Regulation of Rights and Responsibilities of Landlords and Tenants bill in the assembly last year.
But the central government’s decision to revise the original act by incorporating suggestions of various states has delayed Tamil Nadu from implementing its version of it.