With the regularisation scheme for unapproved plots winds up on Thursday, applicants are racing against time to register under the amnesty scheme. In a span of one week, more than 66,000 applications have been filed to regularise unauthorised plots. About 1.91 lakh applications have been received seeking regularisation of unapproved plots across Tamil Nadu. The amnesty scheme introduced in May 2017 is likely to be extended by six months to bring more unapproved plots under the ambit of regularisation.
Vice-chairman of the Builders' Association of India's Southern Centre Ramaprabhu attributed two reasons including simplification of regularisation process, wherein submission of the layout framework was not necessary for the last minute rush. This apart, the government has recently carried out several camps across the state to create an awareness about the ongoing scheme.
Ramaprabhu further said that there are about an estimated number of 17.23 lakh unapproved plots all over Tamil Nadu with nearly 2.25 lakh are in localities falling under the purview of the CMDA.
Though the state government launched the amnesty scheme on May 4 last year, it evoked lukewarm response forcing the government to confine the open space reservation charges for unsold plots in unapproved layouts. However, the online scheme failed to attract more applicants in the light of the condition to provide entire layout framework for regularising individual unapproved plots. This anomaly was eliminated after people were allowed to file their applications without the layout framework.