As most effected nations have initiated a lockdown, companies have resorted to the Work From Home strategy to get work done. In this situation, feeling under pressure is a likely experience for many working individuals. Stress and the feelings associated with it are by no means a reflection that one
As most effected nations have initiated a lockdown, companies have resorted to the Work From Home strategy to get work done. In this situation, feeling under pressure is a likely experience for many working individuals. Stress and the feelings associated with it are by no means a reflection that one cannot do their job or that they are weak. Managing mental health and psychosocial well-being during this time is as important as managing physical health.
Several companies are reaching out to counsellors and psychiatrists to help those employees stressed about working from home, as an extended lockdown period starts taking a toll on their emotional wellbeing.
Microsoft, P&G and Deloitte are among companies that have sought professional assistance to help employees tackle the turmoil due to social distancing. Microsoft has roped in experts who will hold conversations with both employees and managers for about 45-60 minutes on the importance of “mental health and wellbeing in the new world,” understanding Covid-19 and guidance on self-care and working in a virtual world.
Help and support is vital to maintain stable mental health. Health helplines can provide support, along with a regular daily routine, keeping engaged and positive. Remember, good mental status in the difficult times may win you the battle more easily!