Nashik Police book 11 landlords for not providing tenant information
The Zone II police have registered offences against 11 landlords for failing to provide information, as is required under the law, while leasing out flats or houses to tenants.
Of the 11 cases, five have their flats near sensitive zones in the city with important installations like the currency n
The Zone II police have registered offences against 11 landlords for failing to provide information, as is required under the law, while leasing out flats or houses to tenants.
Of the 11 cases, five have their flats near sensitive zones in the city with important installations like the currency note press and army area.
Police officers on Wednesday said that their focus is to ensure that owners of houses in sensitive areas mandatorily provide details of the tenants so that police know the background of tenants.
The action against the erring landlords was taken on the instructions of DCP (Zone II) Amol Tambe.