Mumbai tops list of India's most expensive city for expatriates
The financial capital of India, Mumbai has topped the list of most expensive cities for expatriates in India in the 2018 Cost of Living Survey by Mercer, a New York-based global consulting leader in advancing health, wealth and careers.
"Costs of sporting, leisure-related activities have also pla
The financial capital of India, Mumbai has topped the list of most expensive cities for expatriates in India in the 2018 Cost of Living Survey by Mercer, a New York-based global consulting leader in advancing health, wealth and careers.
"Costs of sporting, leisure-related activities have also played a role to rising prices, followed in part by transportation costs, which includes taxi fares and cost of registration and road taxes. Real estate prices in Mumbai remain among the highest in the world for residential purposes", the survey noted.
Mumbai has moved up two spots and is listed 55th, higher than the famous cities like Melbourne (58), Frankfurt (68), Buenos Aires (76), Stockholm (89) and Atlanta (95).
Meanwhile, New Delhi has managed to claw its way out of the top 100 list, with a drop in the rankings by four positions. Bengaluru is at number 170, Chennai at 144 and Kolkata stands at 182, according to the survey.
The 2018 survey ranked 209 cities across five continents, measuring the comparative cost of more than 200 items in each location including housing, transportation, food, and clothing.