Crisis-hit realty firm Unitech Ltd said Tuesday that its internal auditors S K P & Co. Chartered Accountants has resigned citing time constraints. In a filing to the BSE, Unitech said that "Internal Auditors of the company viz S K P & Co. Chartered Accountants. has resigned with effect from
Realty Plus Published -
Wednesday, 17 Jul, 2019
Crisis-hit realty firm Unitech Ltd said Tuesday that its internal auditors S K P & Co. Chartered Accountants has resigned citing time constraints. In a filing to the BSE, Unitech said that "Internal Auditors of the company viz S K P & Co. Chartered Accountants. has resigned with effect from July 15 stating that they are unable to continue as internal auditors of the company due to time constraint."
The resignation comes days after Unitech deferred board meet to approve its financial result for the fourth quarter of the last fiscal and entire 2018-19.