- Real Estate space aggregating to 0.43million sq. ft with a total value of 218.5crores was sold during the first quarter ending 30th June, 2018 an increase of 37% over the corresponding quarter last year. The average price realisation was Rs. 5,122 per sq. ft.
- During the quarter, 2 Real Estate projects were launched aggregating to about 0.7million sq. ft of which BEL economic interest is 0.6 million sq ft.
- Leasing and Hospitality segments contributed Rs. 77crores and Rs.65crores respectively to the consolidated revenues for the first quarter ended 30th June, 2018.
- The net Debt Equity ratio of the Company on 30th June, 2018 is 0.97:1as per AS 115 and 0.83:1 as per AS18
- The Weighted average cost of debt as on 30th June, 2018 has reduced to 9.18 % as compared to 9.21% as on 31st March, 2018.