BMC’s plan to offer more compensation to landowners rejected by Maharashtra govt
The state government turned down the civic body’s proposal to give more incentives to landowners who will hand over their plots reserved for civic amenities. The decision was taken while approving the city’s development plan.
The officials felt that getting land for amenities such as playgrounds,
The state government turned down the civic body’s proposal to give more incentives to landowners who will hand over their plots reserved for civic amenities. The decision was taken while approving the city’s development plan.
The officials felt that getting land for amenities such as playgrounds, gardens, parking lots, hospitals, etc will become difficult sans better compensation following the implementation of the Development Control and Promotion Regulation (DCPR) 2034.
Under its accommodation reservation policy, The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) has made several reservations for amenities on private lands in its DP 2034. The policy provides incentives to landowners to develop or hand over reserved amenities by compensating them in terms of transferable development rights (TDR). The same is calculated on the area of the plot reserved for amenities.
In the new policy BMC suggested that the owners be allowed to use floor space index (FSI) as currently the land owners cannot use FSI of the reserved portion of land while developing the remaining plot.
It’s observed that BMC has had a poor track record with DP implementation.