As the state comes face to face with one of the worst ever real estate crises arising out of the Maradu issue, the government continues to drag its feet over the formation of real estate regulatory authority (RERA) in the state.
In August, the reply from the office of LSG minister to an RTI appli
Realty Plus Published -
Wednesday, 25 Sep, 2019
As the state comes face to face with one of the worst ever real estate crises arising out of the Maradu issue, the government continues to drag its feet over the formation of real estate regulatory authority (RERA) in the state.
In August, the reply from the office of LSG minister to an RTI application showed that the file related to RERA was in “circulation” and information would be furnished once file was available after circulation.
Earlier queries to departments of local-self government and law evinced replies which said that LSGD had no information regarding report of selection committee while law department replied that the file on this subject was returned to office of LSG minister on May 2, 2019.
The selection committee constituted for choosing chairperson and members of RERA had received 14 applications for the post of chairperson and 21 applications for the post of full-time member.
The latest status compliance report prepared by ministry of housing and urban affairs on implementation of RERA shows that the interim regulatory authority formed by the state has not processed a single complaint till date. Kerala is one among the eight states/Union territories which are yet to set up a real estate appellate tribunal and one among the six states which have failed to operationalise websites under the provision of RERA. A total of 44,295 real estate projects and 35,031 real estate agents have registered so far under RERA across the country.