- Regular discussion with the stakeholders: - we are in regular touch with our Shareholders, employees, customers etc. and as a result, we are motivated enough to face the challenges caused by Covid-19.
- Looking for New Business Opportunities: - We used this period as opportunity rather than a challenge and as a result we started a new business vertical of Sanitization and disinfection services.
- Keep Engaged our Team during the lockdown: - We provide Work from home facilities to our staff on certain projects due to this we are able to engage our staff along with revenue generation for the company.
- Opportunity for the small businesses: - After the relief package announced by the Hon’ble Finance Minister, we can see huge boom in the small sector businesses. The post-COVID-19 scenario for India does not look as grim as most people deem it to be according to leading economists of the country. Combined with a stimulus package of $100-120 billion, it will restore the purchasing power to the populace sooner than earlier deemed during the onset of the COVID-19 crises.
- Extensive use of Digital Platform in businesses: - During the lockdown the use of digital platform increase immensely .It will improve efficiency in the industry when we start switching from manual to automation. the technologies like artificial intelligence would change the process of businesses completely .
- Healthy environment, healthy businesses: - The Covid-19 taught us about the responsibility towards the environment too, we can expect such environment friendly measures from the businesses in future too.
- Increased Personal Hygiene Habit: - As a preventive measure from Covid 19 , we need to adopt the habit of personal hygiene in the business premises too, proper sanitization, disinfection provide safety to our main assets/ Stakeholders of business i.e our employees.
- Cost of Capital – If the businesses have funds to expand/start their businesses at a lower rate of cost of capital/ interest rate , it can then significantly help the economy to grow.
- Labour: - In the upcoming time, It would be great opportunity for India to become the hub of businesses for the same quality labour is required. I think , it’s the right time to us to train our labour with the equipped technology.
- Infrastructure: - For any Economy, Infrastructure is a essential to provide a pace to the economy. I think in we should look at the medical infrastructure in the near future.