Realty+ in conversation with architects Zubin Zainuddin and Krupa Zubin.What are the new innovations that have come in water closets?
The past has seen bathroom spaces as merely functional when it comes to homes but over the
Realty+ in conversation with architects Zubin Zainuddin and Krupa Zubin.What are the new innovations that have come in water closets?
The past has seen bathroom spaces as merely functional when it comes to homes but over the decades this has evolved to a whole new level. One should truly aspire to get rejuvenated within this personal haven. There are advanced intelligent water closets which offers exceptional water efficiency & Hygiene with cleansing functions, heated seats that adjust warm temperatures.
The technological advancements in showers and faucets?
Bathrooms today are a visual and experiential extension of the home, and they will only evolve into more exciting spaces, with fittings becoming more artistic, easy to use, and fun to experience. DTV + Shower systems controls steam, waters through systems eco setting, sound and lighting delivering an ultimate customized spa-like showering experience. One can access and make adjustments using voice or wall mounted interface.Faucets with sensor valve monitors water usage which is displayed on apps.
What are the options available for bath areas e.g. chromatherapy, remote control temperatures, etc?
Various Hydrotherapies with the combination of air, water and sound, harnesses water’s natural ability to enhance wellbeing and address specific areas of the body creating full-body experience in the comfort of your home. Bubble Massage Baths, Whirlpool Baths, Effervescence Baths, Sound Vibrations Baths, Heated Surface Baths and Combinations of these Hydrotherapies are some of the few options available for bath areas.
How have the new developments in bath fixtures & fittings changed the way bathrooms are conceived?
Today the bathrooms are a visual and experiential extension of the home. In many cases we steer away from dramatic forms as bathrooms need to have a definite timeless appeal to them. We see bathrooms spaces evolving to one of the most visually exciting spaces in the home. The overall experience to rejuvenate oneself within the home is going to be imperative. Bathroom fittings are becoming more artistic and clearly easier to use and more fun to experience.
How easily maintainable are the technologically advanced bath fittings &fixtures?
We normally recommend products from some of the finest brands available. These fittings and fixtures are high quality.