A crucial climate summit the UK was meant to be hosting in Glasgow this November has been pushed back by a year to November 2021, the Government confirmed.
Ministers were forced to postpone the COP26 talks in April after it became clear Covid-19 would make it impossible for the event to go ahead
A crucial climate summit the UK was meant to be hosting in Glasgow this November has been pushed back by a year to November 2021, the Government confirmed.
Ministers were forced to postpone the COP26 talks in April after it became clear Covid-19 would make it impossible for the event to go ahead. Thousands of diplomats and world leaders usually attend the UN meetings, which are held every year to co-ordinate the world's response to climate change.
Organisers had hoped the talks could be rescheduled for Spring 2021, but as the scale of the Covid-19 crisis became clear a longer delay was seen as almost inevitable. The summit will now be held between 1 and 12 November 2021, with Italy in charge of holding the preparatory meetings earlier in the year.
Cop26 is the most important international meeting on the climate emergency since the Paris agreement was signed in 2015. Under the landmark accord, countries must come forward every five years with revised plans on curbing greenhouse gas emissions in line with the Paris goal of limiting global heating.