

Amdavad Hit Chhe | Adani Realty Campaign

BY Realty Plus

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AMDAVAD, with its rich heritage, vibrant festivities, and affable and industrious people, is a city full of life & culture. Aapnu Amdavad as people call it is more than just a phrase. It signifies the attachment we have with our city, its history, and the AMDAVADI people. Every nook and corner of AMDAVAD is filled with intriguing and unheard stories. From business to food, folk music, and dance, the city is a mix of many vibrant colors and traditions. Through ‘Amdavad Hit Chhe, We at Adani Realty plan to celebrate this unified spirit of Ahmedabad City. The idea behind this initiative is to ignite the feeling of pride and pay homage to the city. From legends and folklore to famous personalities, from festivals like Uttarayan and Navratri to the favorite food joints, we will be sharing stories of all that makes Ahmedabad stand out and has shaped the city to what it is today. Come, join us to celebrate the true spirit of AMDAVAD!  

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Tags : Adani Realty campaign WALKTHROUGHS Amdavad Hit Chhe AMDAVAD Food Folk music Dance