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The Bhopal Smart City project in the path of steady progress

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Bhopal was in the first list of 20 cities selected by the Centre to implement the Smart City programme. It was the only city to be selected for an exclusively redevelopment-based model. Other cities projects had either retrofitting or a combination of retrofitting and redevelopment. Bhopal Smart City Development Corporation Ltd (BSCDCL) crossed an important milestone, yesterday. The city’s state-of-the-art Integrated Control and Command Centre (ICCC) was inaugurated, which is a key part of the project. Another project called ‘public bike sharing (PBS)’ was inaugurated last year and has become very popular. There have been more than 30,000 registrations, with citizens paying ?500 each for the same.‘Mayor Express’, a dynamic marketplace for handyman services is a project which is gaining success. Consultants coming in, design getting approved, land getting transferred, etc have got done and in coming years we can expect much improved level of growth in Bhopal’s smart city project.

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