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Skootr Launches Financial Services Company

BY Realty Plus

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Skootr, ‘Premium Managed Office Space provider’ announced the launch of Skootr FinSave, a new enterprise, offering, 360-degree Leasing Solutions to large & mid-sized Corporates. Staying ahead of the curve, Skootr makes the first move to engage in the fitout lease services in the managed office space segment. Skootr Finsave’s core offering provides fitout as a service that allows end users to enjoy premium fitout without owning them, enjoy tax arbitrage that will help in significant improvement of the financial ratios.  Rahul Sarin as National Business Head, Skootr FinSave hiring to the core management team is in line with the company’s vision to offer end to end solutions and drive growth, innovation & product, alongside service diversification, in the area of Managed Offices Spaces.

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