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REPL Design Consultant for Odisha Education Infra Development

BY Realty Plus

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Odisha Mineral Bearing Areas Development Corporation (OMBADC) has appointed Rudrabhishek Enterprises Ltd. (REPL) to provide consultancy and prepare Detailed Project Report (DPR) for Development of Education Infrastructure for 93 schools in Sundargarh district of Odisha. REPL will prepare the comprehensive design and development plan for each school. It includes survey and developing project plan, understanding the site conditions to prepare the specific plans, comprehensive Architectural, structural and MEP services designs, and DPRs as per the OPWD Codes with cost estimates. The estimated cost for developing the education infrastructure for each school is INR 1.5cr. The project will include construction of new buildings, hostels, kitchen and dining hall, library, science labs, smart class & furniture, approach road, storm drainage system, anganwadi centre, landscaping etc. Each school will be designed as eco-friendly to limit the direct and indirect impact on environment and give a healthy indoor environment. While providing the consultancy and preparing the DPR, REPL will work on designs and get it approved by IITs / NITs / Govt. Institution. The innovative and schematic designs, will adhere to National Building Code, relevant IS codes and Local building bylaws. Since the state is vulnerable to natural calamities, minimum land disturbance and protecting all existing vegetation will be considered by the company.

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