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Raj Housing Board Makes 5 Century Record Revenue In Fortnight

BY Realty Plus

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Housing Commissioner Pawan Arora informed that Rajasthan Housing Board has earned a revenue of Rs 135 crore by selling 500 properties, making five century records in a fortnight as soon as Malmas is over. Of these, under the auction festival on February 3, Rs 430 crore was sold by selling 430 properties and Rs 92 crore 73 lakh from the sale of 70 premium properties. In such a short time, no private and Government institution in the State has sold or acquired so much revenue through e-auction. He told that after the end of Malmas, there is a lot of enthusiasm among the people for purchasing the properties of the board. With the Wednesday auction celebration, there is competition among buyers to buy the premium properties of the board.  

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