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Project 'Housing for All' running late

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Indian Government's 'Housing for All' Project Is Running behind Schedule which emerged through Prime Minister NarendraModi’sPradhan MantriAwasYojana –Gramin. The aim of this project was to build 10.2 million houses in rural areas by March 2019.It’s completion would have been a crown on BJP’s head. In 2017-18 it had a success rate of 57.5%. The government was able to complete 2.93 million houses out of 5.1 million houses. Also the same year it completed another half a million houses under Indira AawazYojana. About 1.6 million houses were constructed in 2014-15, 1.8 million in 2015-16, 3.2 million in 2016-17 the speed of construction is surely increasing but the target set has not been achieve. “Housing for All by 2022” for urban areasis projected to build 12 million houses by 2022. The execution should not fall short of the targets that are set or it would make people point fingers on the ruling party.

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