PMAY-Gramin's FY19 target unlikely to be met
The government is likely to miss its target of 10 million houses for the rural poor by the end of FY19 under the Pradhan MantriAwasYojana–Grameen (PMAY-G). It had sanctioned 9.6 million houses and completed some 7.6 million. “Some information on completed houses has not yet been uploaded. We expect 8.6-8.7 million to be completed by April 20, with the remaining sanctioned houses to be likely to be completed by the end of June,” said a government official. The government hopes to close in by completing the remaining 1 million sanctioned houses by June, which will leave about 400,000 unsanctioned houses incomplete that it aims to complete by August. These have not yet been sanctioned because of difficulties in procuring land for construction or due to beneficiaries not being identified, said another official.
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