OC to be cancelled of over 150 homes in DLF phases 3 and 5
The department of town and country (DTCP) on Friday issued an order directing builders and the discom to disconnect power and water supply to 157 houses in DLF phases 3 and 5 — out of which 70 are built on plots for economically weaker sections (EWS) — as the owners had constructed additional floors. The occupation certificates (OC) too, will be cancelled for these owners. Around 70 houses from the EWS category in DLF Phase 3 and 87 houses in DLF 5 are in violation of the Haryana Development and Regulation of Urban Areas Act, 1975. The EWS category plot owners were allotted 60 yards of land. As per the Haryana Building Code, construction is allowed up to four floors or a height of 15m.
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