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No free Google maps for builders in Hyderabad, realty hit

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Real estate activity in Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) and Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA) limits has taken a hit due to Google not allowing developers and builders to utilize its maps. The applicants have to upload proposed building or layout sites with coordinates details like longtitude and latitude while applying for permissions online through the Development Permissions Management System, but with Google declining them access, have not been able to do so. Official sources said Google coordinates of a site are crucial to pinpoint the location of a proposed site for construction, layout development, and issuing land use and occupancy certificates after the buildings are completed. Both, the government agencies and developers, have been using the maps free of cost till a week ago. Architects and developers said the site is apparently denying access as the maps are being used for commercial purpose by the government agencies and Google might have blocked the access.

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