No Change of Land Use in Manesar: GMDA
With the formation of the Municipal Corporation of Manesar (MCM), the Gurugram Metropolitan Development Authority (GMDA) will no longer be taking applications for granting permission of change of land use (CLU) in areas falling under MCM. The metropolitan authority has already started the process of transferring the land records of CLUs in Manesar and extended areas of the Municipal Corporation of Gurugram(MCG) to the department of urban local bodies (ULB). Areas that fall under municipal corporations come under the jurisdiction of the ULB department and hence the transfer was required. “As per the directions from the ULB department, we will no longer be accepting CLU applications,” GMDA chief VS Kundu said. As a result, all those people who had applied for CLU with GMDA in Manesar and other areas now falling under MCM will have to go through the entire process all over again. Additionally, while with GMDA CLU permissions could be granted locally, the development would require applicants to go to the ULB department office in Chandigarh for the permissions. GMDA will also lose the fee it received for CLU applications. So far, the metropolitan authority has generated Rs 2.2 crore in revenue from CLU fees this financial year. Kundu, however, said the impact on revenue would be unsubstantial. The Manesar municipal corporation was formed in December last year after the state government gave its approval to the municipal body. Residents from villages in Manesar and the new sectors that now fall under MCM had been demanding a municipal corporation for the area. Meanwhile, services such as maintenance of storm water and sewage drains, earlier under the jurisdiction of GMDA, will now come under MCM. The corporation will also look after streetlights and sanitation in MCM areas.
Tags : News/Views Land Use Manesar GMDA