NITI Aayog to Track Economic Impact of Green Verdict
<span style="font-weight: 400;">The NITI Aayog — the government’s apex thinktank — has commissioned a study that seeks to examine the “unintended economic consequences” of judicial decisions that have hindered and stalled big-ticket projects on environmental grounds.</span> <span style="font-weig
Published -
Feb 9, 2021 4:29 AM
The NITI Aayog — the government’s apex thinktank — has commissioned a study that seeks to examine the “unintended economic consequences” of judicial decisions that have hindered and stalled big-ticket projects on environmental grounds. A perusal of the document appears to suggest that judgments that negatively impact major infrastructure projects don’t adequately consider the economic fallout — in terms of loss of jobs, revenue. Doing so, it reckons, would contribute to public discourse among policymakers for promoting an “economically responsible approach by judiciary” in its decisions. It intends to examine five major projects that have been “impacted” by judicial decisions of the Supreme Court or the National Green Tribunal. It plans to do this by interviewing people who’ve been affected by the closure of the projects, environmental campaigners, experts and assessing the business impact of closure. Projects to be analyzed include the construction of an airport in Mopa, Goa; cessation of iron ore mining in Goa and, the shutting down of the Sterlite copper plant in Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu. The others are decisions by the NGT involving sand mining and construction activities in the Delhi National Capital Regions. The study is to be undertaken by the Jaipur-headquartered CUTS (Consumer Unity and Trust Society) Centre for Competition, Investment and Economic Regulation, that also has an international presence. Vikrant Tongad, Uttar Pradesh-based environmentalist and Founder, SAFE (Social Action for Forest and Environment) was among those whom CUTS reached out to, as an expert, because of his involvement in campaigns against sandmining operations. Vice-Chairman of NITI Aayog Rajiv Kumar said the study was a purely economic exercise.