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NAREDCO commences training for labour force in the construction sector

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The apex constitution of Indian real estate fraternity, National Real Estate Development Council – NAREDCO in hands with the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs commences the training for the first batch of unskilled workers in the construction sector. This initiative was in lines with the MoU signed between the two parties directed towards the education and upliftment of the workers in the realty sector. The first batch comprising of 35 workers commenced its training on 24th October 2018 in Kalyan at the project site of Raunak Group. The training emphasizes on the alignment of skill training programs based on industry requirements; providing skilled manpower to the construction industry, by training the unskilled workers at their construction sites. This will ensure employment to the urban poor through captive placement model and up-skill the construction workers which enables them to reap the benefits of an increase in real income and gain better opportunities through the Government certification program. The workshop is held under the supervision of the well-trained expert who provides insights on skill training and development of the workers and how to improvise their skills for constructing a property. Mr. RajanBandelkar, President, NAREDCO, Maharashtra stated that “NAREDCO as a body is inclined towards the betterment of all stakeholders across the real estate industry. The construction workers play a pivotal role in the industry. It is essential to focus on the betterment of the labor fraternity and the same led to the idea of skilling them. This workshop will groom workers about skill training and motivate the workers to convert concealed challenged into opportunities which will lead toward the growth and efficiency of Indian Real Estate”. This initiative is the implementation basis the MoU signed between NAREDCO and Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs during REIIS 2018 with an aim to uplift the qualitative strength of the labor force under DeendayalAntyodaya Yojana- National Urban Livelihood Mission (DAY – NULM)

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