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Nagpur civic body levies property tax on open spaces

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In a first for the Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC), it has started to levy property tax on big open spaces, including gardens and agriculture lands. Government agencies like Nagpur Improvement Trust (NIT), Dr PanjabraoDeshmukhKrishiVidyapeeth (PDKV), Nagpur University, etc will have to pay huge property tax as they have sprawling lands in various parts of the city. Under ongoing drive of revaluation of existing properties and assessment of new and left out properties, the NMC property tax department has started to obtain geographic information system (GIS) mapping of big open spaces in all parts of the city. They include gardens, agriculture lands, abandoned open lands, private lands where no layouts have been laid etc. Assessment of these lands has started. Another major advantage is that the NMC can recover tax of last six years from properties that will be assessed now. NMC has also completed revaluation of Central government-owned sprawling spaces like Mihan and Container Corporation of India (CONCOR), Ajni and levied tax in crores. As per norms, there is no exemption in general tax for Central agencies that are profit making.

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