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Museum on Prime Ministers to be Complete by Year-end

BY Realty Plus

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Construction of the Centre’s proposed Museum on Prime Ministers at the Teen Murti Estate is likely to be completed by November 2020. The museum is being developed by the Central Public Works Department (CPWD). Spread over about 10,000 square meters, the museum would have 3D and touch-enabled displays, audio-visual projection, hologram and other state-of-the-art as well as conventional exhibits. The total project cost was ?226.20 crore. According to CPWD, the construction of the building, electrical work and exterior driveways would be completed by November. Last year, the CPWD had set March 2020 as the deadline for the project. CPWD was hoping to hand over the completed building to the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library (NMML) by November, after which it would take a few months’ time for putting up the exhibits on all Prime Ministers. The NMML, an autonomous institution operating under the Union Ministry of Culture, is in the process of selecting agencies to develop audio-visual content, running a cafe and souvenir shop, and carrying out branding, marketing and online services related to the PMs’ museum. The prime objective of the museum is to provide the visitors a better understanding of, and create curiosity amongst them about the different individuals who have occupied the office of Prime Minister, their individual personalities and contributions as Prime Ministers, as well about the institution of the Prime Minister.  

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