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Mumbai Builders Demand TDR in Lieu of Mangrove Land

BY Realty Plus

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Builders in Mumbai have approached the state government for a grant of transferable development rights (TDR) in lieu of plot laced with mangroves. According to information, Maharashtra Chamber of Housing Industry (CREDAI-MCHI) has written to the state government demanding that owners of all mangrove-covered plots should be awarded construction rights that can be used elsewhere as compensation. The city’s existing development control regulations does not permit TDR compensation for mangrove-laden land. According to existing rules, TDR can be availed on surrender of land reserved for public purposes, such as roads or gardens. Environmentalists opposing the move questioned how mangrove-covered land could be considered revenue or land conducive for development since these were located in intertidal zones or areas between land and sea. But those in favour of the proposal argue that it is a favourable situation for all stakeholders. According to them, owners will be compensated for loss of land, while the state government will be able to acquire more mangrove plots and hand them over to the forest department. If the proposal is accepted, construction rights worth several thousand crores will be generated.

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