Legal opinion Awaited on Smart Cities along NHAI
The government is awaiting legal opinion on whether the NHAI can construct smart cities, villages and logistic parks along the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway project that could usher in development in the most backward, tribal, and far-flung areas. National Highways are the arterial roads of the country for inter-state movement of passengers and goods. They traverse the length and width of the country connecting the National and State capitals, major ports and rail junctions and link up with border roads and foreign highways. Road Transport, Highways and MSME Minister Gadkari said, though the provisions are there for it in the NHAI constitution since the time it was incorporated but the Ministry is still taking a legal opinion so that it can proceed on the ambitious project as it would change the face of development in tribal areas, which are backward and shorn of development. In case the opinion is in negative then "we will seek Cabinet nod on the proposal," he said and added that the move will not only result in the development of the areas but would also generate huge employment opportunities.
Tags : News/Views Latest News NHAI smart cities Government Road Transport Delhi-Mumbai Expressway National Highways Minister Gadkari employment opportunities