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Kashi among smart cities set for town planning revamp

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Giving a big boost to age-old heritage cities feeling constrained by their congested lanes, unplanned housing activity, heavy population pressure, scarce green spaces etc. in their Smart City mission crusade, the Union ministry of housing and urban affairs (MoHUA) has asked them to revamp their town planning model based on future needs and offered financial assistance for it. In the first phase, the ministry has chosen 25 out of 100 Smart Cities for the town planning revamp. Varanasi has been chosen from UP being the most ancient and extremely congested, unplanned city. R Srinivas, town and country planner, MoHUA's Town and Country Planning Organization laid the guidelines for local area plans (LAPs) and town plan schemes (TPS) of the selected 25 cities, including PM's constituency Varanasi, at the 'Transforming Urban Landscape' event organised by MoHUA at IGP on Saturday. He added that Rs 2 crore would be provided as central assistance to each of the 25 cities for preparing LAP/TPS. The model has been successfully adopted by Ahmedabad town planning department which gave a presentation at the event.

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