Housing Scheme for Covid Warriors in Navi Mumbai
A special housing scheme will be built in Navi Mumbai by the City and Industrial Development Corporation (CIDCO) to provide affordable homes to “Covid Warriors”, including uniformed personnel working on the frontline during the pandemic. The urban planning authority announced that under the scheme, 3,075 homes will be made available in Taloja for two categories — economically Weaker Section and Lower Income Group. The scheme will include government employees who have worked during the pandemic, duties including those involved conducting surveys, tracing and tracking of those infected with Covid-19 as well as prevention, testing, treatment and relief activities. Those eligible for houses under the scheme include healthcare and other staff, including police personnel, anganwadi workers and employees of other departments such as sanitation, water supply and finance.
Tags : News/Views Navi Mumbai Housing Scheme Covid Warriors City and Industrial Development Corporation (Cidco)