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'Green home' owners to walk away with a subsidy of Rs 20,000 in Thiruvananthapuram

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Haritha Keralam Mission’s ambitious project of developing ‘green homes’ equipped with environment-friendly features will see district administration selecting 4,080 green homes in the district in the first phase.

Those building new homes and those who plan to upgrade their houses with environment-friendly features can benefit from the scheme.

The project is being launched in the state with an aim of having homes with scientific solutions to dispose solid and liquid waste, alternative energy solutions like use of solar power, well-recharging methods, rain water harvesting and other eco-friendly measures.

The administration is in the process of working out a selection criteria for the first green homes in the district. “Various recommendations are being considered like submission of list after initial approval by gram sabhas or direct, voluntary submission by people and then having a selection committee to evaluate the entries,” an official said.

T N Seema said that the project will cover only houses in the first phase and inclusion of apartments will be considered later. It will be for the first time that residents in the district could avail subsidies for a set of eco-friendly initiatives apart from source-level waste processing. The state government has directed local bodies and Suchitwa Mission to allocate 50% of project cost as subsidy for setting up source-level waste management initiatives and the maximum amount would be Rs 5,000.

Haritha Keralam Mission has tied up with Kudumbashree to initiate a similar project in Malappuram titled ‘Thanima’, under which all houses are being upgraded with eco-friendly features.

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