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DTCP claims OC of Central Plaza Mall fake

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The developers of Sector 53-based Central Plaza Mall have been booked on charges of cheating and fraud for allegedly selling shops in one of the three units at this commercial property by faking occupation certificate. Police said an FIR was filed against the developers — Aerens Infotech Pvt Ltd and Senior Builders Ltd — on Friday based on a recommendation sent by the department of town and country planning (DTCP) on July 2. According to officials at DTCP, the alleged irregularities came to light recently after the developers applied for some approval. Pursuing the application when DTCP officials scrutinized documents of the commercial property, it was found that the developers had forged the OC — mandatory for executing registry of a unit — for one of the three blocks and sold units on the basis of the fake papers. As per records, DTCP had issued the licence (No. 13-19) on June 26, 2002, for the development of the mall on 3.9 acres in Sector 53. Subsequently, DTCP had issued OCs for blocks B and C in the said property in December 2004 and June 2005, respectively. The developers had reportedly also submitted an application for the grant of occupation certificate for Block A in December 2004. However, the report filed by a field officer after an inspection indicated shortcomings in the block. Consequently, notice was sent to the developers for rectifying the loopholes, in August 2005. But instead of rectifying the shortcomings, the developers allegedly forged an OC dated June 2006. Further, it was found that the developers executed registry of units in Block A on the basis of the fake OC on July 27, 2009, alleged DTCP officials.

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