BMC to give property tax rebates for waste processing
Even as the BMC has started rolling out its property tax rebates to housing societies segregating and composting waste and recycling greywater, the rebates will not come easy. First, the rates vary 5-15% depending on the extent of waste disposal and processing of greywater (all wastewater generated in households or offices from streams without foecal contamination, i.e. all streams except for toilet wastewater). Second, a committee will be formed in each ward, which would be expected to periodically inspect whether or not a housing society is following rebate conditions. The society’s continued eligibility would depend on the panel’s report. The municipal commissioner cleared a proposal in August to give a 15% property tax rebate to housing societies for segregating their waste, processing wet waste on their premises, disposing dry waste through recyclers, and using harvested rainwater or greywater.
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