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Agro-Realty New Investment Trend In India

BY Realty Plus

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Agro-realty refers to the clearly defined and demarcated land properties developed from large tracts of land for the purposes of selling to individuals who can then earn returns with minimal efforts. Hence, in agro-realty, the developers acquire a huge patch of land, divide it into sub-plots and then sell them to investors who are interested in earning high returns on this investment. There are manifold benefits of agro-realty. The primary advantage is that the total cost of developing a property gets divided among the final owners of the farm land which is usually a fraction of what buying the entire property would otherwise cost. This cost of development includes sourcing water, laying roads, preparing the land, availing scientific farming techniques, and employing more staff on the farm for the upkeep and maintenance of vegetation. As a result, many of the agro-realty businesses encourage ultimate farm land owners to form societies amongst themselves so as to lower the marketing and production cost.

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