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60% of lease amount for land to be paid

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As finance department is not willing to waive-off its share, the farmers who will surrender their land for Ninder housing project, will have to pay 60% of lease money for developed land which they would receive as compensation. The request proposal from the Jaipur Development Authority (JDA) has once again turned down by the finance department. The amount of lease money collected is shared by the JDA and finance department. The share of JDA is 40%, while finance department collects 60% of the lease money amount. As per the Rajasthan Improvement Trust (Disposal of Urban Land) Rules, the decision to waive off lease money is entirely state government’s decision. The JDA has decided not to take its share, however, finance department has asked to provide its share. At present, on residential plot up to the size of 200 square yard, the JDA levy Rs 162 per square yard and Rs 324 per square yard on commercial plots. On plot size above 200 square yard, the JDA levy Rs 216 per square yard on residential property and Rs 432 on per square yard on commercial properties. After many farmers surrendered their land, the civic body has planned to develop 3,000 plots of different sizes on approximately 1,296 bighas.

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