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Windows to the Future

BY Realty Plus

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Saket Jain, Business Head , Fenesta Building System Due to the social distancing norms enforced during the pandemic, the past year has seen most of the world under lockdown behind closed doors. It’s no surprise that large windows are popular this year. Since living indoors 24x7 can be somewhat depressing, people prefer taller and wider windows backed by a broader expanse of glass.  To begin with, wider windows allow proper ventilation and the entry of ample light. Such natural elements exert an uplifting influence on human moods. Since many homeowners are seeking to renovate homes, windows represent an excellent opportunity to freshen and brighten the exterior look, boost energy efficiency and personal comfort as well as block all exterior noise while increasing ventilation.  The other trend is towards indoor-outdoor living. Today, people seek to create seamless connections between indoor and outdoor spaces. Undoubtedly, the coronavirus outbreak has increased people’s desire to enhance and safeguard outdoor areas, creating a sense of sanctuary where it is possible to have safe gatherings of family members.  Simultaneously, there is a relatively imperceptible factor at play – the mounting number of Baby Boomers moving into the senior citizens’ category. As people age, the yearning to remain indoors may be relatively stronger as their wanderlust wanes.  In such cases, the overriding urge is to make their homes more self-sufficient and livable for all its inhabitants. Additionally, as their bodies become frail, they turn towards doors and windows that are easier to operate. Therefore, self-closing doors and easy-slide windows are preferred. Such easy-to-use solutions only need simple finger-based pressure to open and close.  Besides, their overriding wish is to have windows that allow ample light to enter freely. As they serve this purpose well, French windows are the preferred option. Where doors are concerned, bi-fold and sliding doors are a vibrant option, particularly for rooms facing the balcony and garden areas.  With the work-from-home regime becoming the norm for many employees, extensions are eliciting a rising number of enquiries. While the choice of large windows for sufficient light and ventilation is undiminished, people busy at their home workstations are intent on ensuring all unwanted sounds are blocked 24x7. The best solution in such situations is to install acoustic glass in the windows, which will ascertain one can work in peace without noisy interruptions. Other ongoing trends of the previous year to continue in 2021 are energy efficiency and sustainability. Energy efficiency is a critical element to work in peace. It takes the right kind of doors and windows with sufficient sealing to limit any heat loss or gain.  Advanced fenestration solutions can promote thermal efficiency via proper design and selection of materials. Glass and materials with medium-to-high insulation will be best. Here, reflective glasses should be avoided since these eliminate most of the visible light transmission, particularly during the morning and evening, minimizing natural light. Wood, uPVC and thermal break aluminium are good materials for thermal efficiency.    Withstanding Unruly Elements Meanwhile, as the vagaries of climate change and global warming accelerated in 2020, windows need to withstand extreme variations during summer, winters and monsoons. In the monsoon, the trend will be towards innovative solutions in keeping the rains out. The first option remains a rain track. An elevated section that is clipped on the window’s inside track, this functions as a dam. Here, rainwater is captured and then drained out.  The sill arrangement is next. A special system, this prevents any air pressure from driving rainwater inside. Consequently, rainwater then ends up flowing vertically, away from the outer wall. The third solution is the gradient slope. A downward sloping track at 5-degrees, it ensures any accumulated rainwater keeps flowing out.  Strong winds can be a major concern in many parts of India. In coastal areas of the east or west, wind speeds can even touch 200 kmph. In such windy conditions, windows can end up rattling and whistling. Similarly, in high-rises, though the breeze may be gentle on the ground floor, the top floors can face gale-force winds.  In such situations, scientifically-manufactured airtight windows can withstand the high wind speeds without collapsing. Such windows come with broad sections reinforced with steel. Moreover, these are strengthened with a Hurricane Bar that doubles up as a handle and withstand the wind speed upto 245 kmph. Any ingress of air is stopped by multiple seals. Not surprisingly, even in stormy conditions, there is no whistling and rattling.  Security remains an evergreen trend. As a result, doors and windows that are sturdy and hold out against break-ins and unwanted intrusions will be popular. Since the pandemic has exacerbated the economic crisis, home security can be a major challenge, especially for people living in villas and low-rise structures with unsecured, open or weak windows that are an irresistible temptation for burglars.  In such instances, while allowing access to sunlight and fresh air, fenestration solutions should be strong enough to keep out unscrupulous elements. Toughened glass and multi-lock points could help in enhancing home security and preventing thefts.  Finally, sustainability is another recurring trend this year. For consumers seeking sustainable solutions, timber is the best option. Apart from absorbing carbon dioxide naturally, timber is a biodegradable material that is naturally insulating too. Come rain or sunshine, the above trends and solutions should stand readers in good stead. 

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