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Vastu Tips for Buying a New Home during Covid-19

BY Realty Plus

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Dr Raviraj Ahirrao, Co-founder, VastuRaviraj   Are homebuyers making home buying decisions in times of covid? Due to the lockdown, developers have started showcasing their properties online through virtual tours. This is a completely new concept for Indians who have always believed in the aspect of touch and feel especially before making a high ticket purchase. This has made many people skeptical to proceed further and they are wary of buying a property.  A buyer can consider about the builder and whether there are appropriate government approvals and other documentations ready.   Are all the apartments in a project vastu compliant? While many developers say their buildings are vastu compliant, generally in a building with four flats (more or less) per floor, we would find one apartment 60% positive; two would be 35%-40% positive and the other one about 20%. Now at same location with the same cost with the same area and facilities/amenities, a smart buyer under the guidance of a vastushastra expert can get best among the all options available.   What are some of the important vastu guidelines one should follow while choosing a home? 1) Choose a minimum of three options of your dream home. It is best to get a Vastu expert on board to evaluate on all aspects of a home and then select the best based on their suggestion. 2) Always prefer main entrance in the North, North - East or East. 3) Consider having much open space and openings in the North to East region 4) It’s highly essential to have morning sun rays in your vastu but setting sun rays should be avoided. 5) Kitchen should be in South-East, the master bed room in South-west, children bed room in North-West - these are some of the highly essential factors, that needs to be followed seriously 6) One of the most important factors is the abode of the God or your prayer corner which every buyer can or should follow strictly and that should be in the North to East region. 7) It is highly risky to trust the directions mentioned on floor plan or a brochure of real estate project as we have experienced errors in 98 % of cases evaluated in the last 21 years. 8) According to vastushastra every premise should be square or rectangular. In India it is highly difficult to get such premises, but we should avoid premises with cuts 9) Now a days developers claim that their projects are Vastushastra compliant. But in most cases these claims are found false. To verify such claims, one should ask for the contact details of the vastu consultant. 10) If buyers start insisting for house as per vastushastra, then developers will have to respect the customer demand. Fortunately such projects have started coming up. 11) It is highly difficult to get a premise that is 100% Vastushastra compliant. But by the guidance of a Vastusahstra expert you can apply powerful remedies and make your premise hugely positive by removing the Vastu doshas. These corrective measures are long lasting, one time investment and at minimal costs.

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