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Realty & Market Reality Beyond Covid

BY Realty Plus

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NO MATTER WHAT WE DO TO SCALE BACK NOW, THE COVID YEAR IMPACT WILL BE  FELT ON THE PLANET WELL PAST 2050,” HARIHARAN CHANDRASHEKAR, MENTOR,  ALTTECH FOUNDATION AND ECOL INDIA  "DECENTRALIZATION, REDISTRIBUTION AND RESTRUCTURING WILL BE THE KEY THEMES OF THE TRANSFORMATION FOR MANAGEMENTS ACROSS ALL BUSINESSES, REALTY BEING NO EXCEPTION.  THERE ARE NO SET FORMULAS. INNOVATION AND ANTICIPATION IS THE NAME OF THE GAME. " The challenge the realty sector  faces, pales in comparison with the complete shake down such natural disasters hold into the decades ahead of us.  The vital question is, can successful  builders of the past look to pursue similar models into the years ahead?  To foretell what’s before you at  least 5-7 years ahead is part of the  challenge business leader’s today  face. The good news for India is  that the long-term housing demand  trend remains stable due to a young  population which continues to enter  the workforce in large numbers. Decentralizing resource use by solving solve water and energy  needs with systems that reduce  dependence on city infrastructure  by 70-90 percent, at costs that are  cheaper than the old conventional  connections to the grid, is clearly the  way forward.   Demonetization of services such as calling on Apps, or finding  places in city with Google maps and  online conferencing has led us to the  future of de-densification. The shift from emerging cities to the satellite  mini-metros is something that’s in  line with the government’s plans to  develop infrastructure in tier II and III  towns. Smart City projects already are  charting such large agglomerations  with deurbanizing. "OUR LONG TERM BUSINESS STRATEGY HAS TO RECOGNIZE THAT THE PLANET DOES NOT NEED PEOPLE. PEOPLE NEED THE PLANET. SO  THE TWO ESSENTIAL  CONCEPTS OF SUSTAINABILITY AND  INCLUSION HAVE TO FIND PLACE IN EVERY  BUSINESS PLAN." The future will see smaller commercial buildings offering  “independent offices". Smaller  strip malls and outlet centers in the  suburbs will gain prominence. Retail  would mean food service, wellness,  leisure and entertainment, with  a diminished focus on shopping.  Warehousing is a big market with  multiple asset classes within this  segment being innovated as buyers  move to online buying and agriculture  gears up to backward integrated  business opportunities.   Excerpts from a Special Address at 12th Realty+  Conclave & Excellence Awards 2020- South

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