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Product Design Follows the Rules of Architecture

BY Realty Plus

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Shabnam Gupta, Principal Designer, The Orange Lane says, it’s important to care about how the product works, before we care about how it looks.

  Is there a similarity between product and building design? The parallels between architecture and product design are not surprising; after all, designing a widget is fundamentally the same as designing a skyscraper, although on a much, much smaller scale. Product design is the basis for a good foundation and it follows through the rules or norms of architecture. Architecture, in the general, is the art and science of designing buildings. It is also really about places and people, which is concurrent to that of product design. All spheres of the creative universe pivot around design, technology and people.   What are the critical aspects of a product design approach? The design of a product is focused on empathetically catering to the end user. Once that basic principle of design is tapped into, it follows through in architecture as well. The essence of form following function is also essential in product design. Product design adds to the basic learning curve and contributes to the vast vocabulary of architecture. I believe that if we make our products intuitive in use, simple in design, and thoughtful in construction, we will have a winning formula - one that evokes positive emotions and makes customers hunger for the brand.   How has the journey of design moved forward over the years? Building construction today is a significant part of industrial culture, a manifestation of its diversity and complexity, and a measure of its mastery of natural forces. It can produce a widely varied built environment to serve the diverse needs of society. I feel building technology and products have come many leaps and bounds today from where we were. However, we have a long way to go before we can assert ourselves at the same level as that of our contemporary countries. Building products today have the advantage of technology and communication, which if harnessed properly could lead to better products. I truly am intrigued about the green revolution that is also influencing this industry. The global movement of saving the natural environment has emerged as the latest concept, one that should be applied to all types of construction.   To read the full article, write to us for Digital Edition of the Realty+ Coffee Table Book – “The Pillars Of Real Estate” at realtyplus@exchange4media.com  

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