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Mindful Living in the Current Times

BY Realty Plus

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Jesal Lodha- Principal Designer and Founder - The Little Details In the fast-paced world, we see people struggling to find ways to disconnect. The square footage of the newly built apartments continues to shrink. But while space might be at a premium, the importance of creating a properly balanced home sanctuary inflates. More than ever, this year we have all come to realize that our Houses are really the Epicentre of our lives. The role of the cities and our place within them are being rethought. We are becoming more aware of the significance of creating a healthy and nurturing environment for us to withdraw and recuperate. With shelter in place and remote working becoming a new reality, many of us are looking to update our homes to better support us during the long days spent inside. The overwhelming stress we are exposed to each day influences the way we feel about our homes. From a place to sleep, eat, and take a shower, our personal space has now, once again, become the most meaningful place in our lives. Designing For Wellbeing The chaos of the city living and the lack of privacy and space, develop a strong need for a more mindful approach to designing that adds a factor of well-being to our lives. We seek the comfort of our homes in these testing times. Therefore, designing for wellbeing is on the rise as homeowners now have a good grasp on the impact that the color, layout, furniture, and material choices can make in their day to day lives. Calm & Comforting Interiors - Simplicity, peace, and acceptance are the keywords for this nature-driven interior trend. Colour schemes are simple and grounded. Muted and earthy shades provide a sense of reassurance and suggest innocence and harmony - feelings we could all benefit from regardless of the pandemic. Privacy and Space for Daily Rituals We now see our homes as retreats. A place where we attend to our holistic sense of wellbeing while catering our deepest creative yearnings. The mindfulness trend encourages us to design our homes in a way that supports both our physical and spiritual growth. Having a dedicated space for meditation and yoga practice is on the rise as we feel in a desperate need for adopting more calming rituals in our daily routines. Functional Home Office Working from home brings many benefits, but also some critical challenges - we are about to spend many more months balancing our work and family life in the same space. No matter how small, dedicated working space with a good chair, lighting and a piece of mind is a must. This is not only crucial for work productivity, but also for a healthy separation of personal and working hours. Also, with online meetings blurring the line between private and public space, we are seeing an increasing demand for designing professional looking nooks fit for conference calls. This could present an interesting opportunity for new micro design service – uplifting a corner of the house dedicated to working. Nature in the City The Urban jungle trend has been around for a couple of years now and just when it seemed like it was bound for a slow decline, the pandemic hit. Facing a lockdown, people feel a strong need to reconnect with nature and live a slower, more considerate life. The request for a more natural environment and materials inside the home continues to gain traction. We are no longer talking only about decorative plants, but fruits and vegetables too. Decluttering, slow decorating, and maximizing the available natural light are also in focus. Healthy Home Environment Technologies such as UV lamps, cleaning robots, voice-activated home gadgets and indoor air quality monitors and purifiers are gaining momentum, but so are the products that support a healthier lifestyle (conscious materials, sustainable fabrics, diffusers, etc.) Sustainable Design as a Priority In 2020, the trend of increased eco-consciousness will outgrow the early adopters and push mainstream. Sustainability in home decorating and increased use of recycled materials are becoming more affordable and easier to reach. The consumers show a growing interest in new materials, their lifecycles, and the making process itself. Veganism is becoming a more frequently discussed topic in interior design circles

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