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Merging Of Architecture And Product Design

BY Realty Plus

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Krishnarao Jaisim Principal Architect, Jaisim Fountainhead draws parallels between product development and architectural design   How do you define ‘Design’? Design is creative expression. The flow of imagination into reality is achieved through various tools and expressions. Everything that is designed in this world is a result of modifying something that we see in our day-to-day life. This leads to Innovation.   How is product design and architecture related? Product design becomes an essential tool in the field of architecture in order to define spaces that express a defined character.  A product can be as simple as a table or as complicated as a machine. A well-designed product is simple to use and understandable to its end users. Planning the architecture of products deals with implementing the usage of materials, availability of customers in terms of profit and the performance of the product. Since the functionality of products becomes the first experience for users, the need for designers to meet and exceed the user’s expectations is high. Many interesting parallels between architecture and product design can be drawn. Although the mediums are different, the design principles and processes remain the same. Defining spaces that create an interaction specific to the product can be done only when architecture and product design merge.   The City design and urban growth The cities of the future have many alternative modes of development. The rapid and rabid growth of our cities has brought a scenario that is difficult to channelize in a positive and meaningful manner. Urbanisation is the way forward. The utopian dream of living in harmony with nature and technology is at best a hypothesis for now. Vertical or horizontal, we must create more cities of denser population, or define a few metropolises of very high density. To read the full article, write to us for Digital Edition of the Realty+ Coffee Table Book – “The Pillars Of Real Estate” at realtyplus@exchange4media.com  

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