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“Be you. You are a visionary and do not get swayed by the by products of the fields like stardom or money. Put your soul in every design.” Shabnam Gupta, Interior Designer, The Orange Lane”

A designer by profession, a thinker by habit, and an inventor by choice, Shabnam has always found peace in the unconventional and a method to the madness of passionate design. An award-winning interior designer, Shabnam started out small with her big dreams in tow. But clarity has always been her forte. Be it in her arresting design and interiors now, or at the tender age of 16 when it was clear to her that she was destined for design. A spectacular journey later, her incredible body of work includes most prestigious projects and offbeat interiors across India. How have you maintained synergies between professional and personal life? I believe it’s important to maintain a balance. For me, setting my priorities and being committed to what I am doing completely. When I am at work its 100% work and when I go back home or on weekends, I am completely off work and the focus is my family. What are some of the career achievements that are close to your heart? I don’t take achievements too seriously. There are times I feel like I’m just starting and there’s so much to learn. I still get excited about experimenting on new projects. What are the general perceptions about women in your field of career and how have you handled them? Personally, I am of the belief system that I am as good as anybody else for the job. Male or female has never been a criteria for me. Though I am aware people don’t perceive it the way I do. I believe in my work speaking for itself. But it’s great to see more women empowerment in this line… in fact my teams comprise of 80%women.
To evolve is to grow. In the future, I am striving to keep evolving. On a personal front and innovating on the work. Hopefully we should see my retail store Peacock Life take more forefront to be able to reach design to a larger audience.

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